Spirit Guide Portraits



Have you ever tried to reach your spirit guide and not quite been sure whether you had or not?

A Spirit Guide portrait can help take you there.

Just by looking at your guide's portrait you can:

  • easily visualize your guide

  • quickly tune into your guide's vibration

  • know someone is there who loves you dearly

  • get a quick pick-me-up because the energy your guide has to offer you is inherent in the portrait


The Monk

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Want to see portraits 

of other spirit guides ?

Your spirit guide portrait comes with 2-4 interim digital photos and FREE one page (2-side)  of any comments your guide makes during the process. 

The introductory price for a 

Spirit Guide Portrait is:

$ 100.00

(plus $ 5 p & h)

If you want a portrait of your Spirit Guide,



or call:

1-800-484-2066 (roar)

roar (7627) is the access code

If you are considering having a spirit guide portrait done, please read the notes at the bottom of this page.

Go to notes.

My Spirit Guide Portraits are channeled directly in accordance to what your guide tells and shows me to do. The portrait is done in pastels, layer upon layer.  Each layer consists of a shape and color, which represent a specific energy that your guide has to share with you.  (And they are very particular about the colors!) 

Which of your spirit guides comes for  a portrait? I usually leave up to the spirit guides. Sometimes more than one wants to be in a portrait.

The portraits are done either by meeting your guide "half way" or going to their level, and are exactly (or they fuss at me!) as they want to appear.

The resultant art offers you a focus, should you wish to contact your guide on your own, and to tap into the energy they have for you. 

The free reading is on a spiritual level and refers to your life path. The reading offers direction, validation of correct (for you) choices, and pointers on how to live a better, fuller life according to your life plan. (If you have specific questions, you may send three. There is no guarantee they will answer the questions you send, but usually they will.)

(The only part you will miss getting a Spirit Guide Portrait through the mail is listening to me complain that those more than 3-d shapes they are showing me won't work on a piece of paper, and that some of the colors they want don't exist 'down' here. Though, recently, one talked me into branching out into dry paint so I could add metallic gold in her portrait!)

The mundane specs: Your Spirit Guide Portrait will be done on apx. 9" x 12" paper, which is a size you can frame fairly easily. The art is sent flat, protected by a plastic sheet. Though the work will be coated to keep the pastels from smearing, the portrait should be matted (so the glass doesn't touch the picture) and framed to keep it in its original condition.

If more than one of your guides asks to be in the portrait, the cost is still the same.

Healing Spirit Guide




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The Tiger offers Hand painted, Limited Editions direct from the artist

Tiger Moon Press, pob 2371, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961-2371, 1800-484-2066 (roar)

Web page design by Sara, Copyright Tiger Moon Press, All rights reserved, no portion of this web page, any designs, or writings herein may be used without the express and written permission of the author, artist, web designer.

Last revision date:  October 12, 2008